141 research outputs found

    Deteksi Kebersihan Kerabang Telur Ayam Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital

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      Digital image processing can be used in the applications of computer vision, one of which is the object classification. Classification of eggs used to determine the quality of eggs that includes internal quality and external quality. One aspect of the external egg quality is in terms of cleanliness of the eggshell  whether there is dirt on the eggshel or not. Digital image processing on the image of the egg is done by preprocessing to convert to binary image which are further identified wheter there is dirt on the eggshell. Programs designed  can determine whether an egg has a good quality or not with the information that eggs is in clean or dirty conditions. The results stated that the image quality of the eggs, image preprocessing and classification methods greatly affect the outcome of the classification of the eggs.   Key Words : classification, eggshell,image processin

    Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Science Environment Technology And Society (Sets) untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Sikap Ilmiah

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    This study aimed to determine the improvement of critical thinking skills and student\u27s scientific attitudes on the colloidal material by applying the learning model science environment technology and society (SETS). The method was used in this study is quasi-experimental research design "Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Control Group Design". The sample in this study was a class XI student at one of SMAN in Majalengka, with totaling 62 students. Data collected through a written test and observation sheets. The results showed that SETS learning for colloidal material can enhance student\u27s critical thinking skills with N-Gain of 42% (moderate category) and the student\u27s scientific attitude was 72,7 % (excellent category). Increasing student\u27s critical thinking skills class experiment also differed significantly from the control class. Thus, learning chemistry with SETS learning model should be developed for the implementation of SETS learning can improve critical thinking skills and students\u27 scientific attitudes

    Deteksi Kebersihan Kerabang Telur Ayam Berdasarkan Pengolahan Citra Digital

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      Digital image processing can be used in the applications of computer vision, one of which is the object classification. Classification of eggs used to determine the quality of eggs that includes internal quality and external quality. One aspect of the external egg quality is in terms of cleanliness of the eggshell  whether there is dirt on the eggshel or not. Digital image processing on the image of the egg is done by preprocessing to convert to binary image which are further identified wheter there is dirt on the eggshell. Programs designed  can determine whether an egg has a good quality or not with the information that eggs is in clean or dirty conditions. The results stated that the image quality of the eggs, image preprocessing and classification methods greatly affect the outcome of the classification of the eggs.   Key Words : classification, eggshell,image processin

    Analysis Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Solving Problems in Terms of Cognitive Style

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang ditinjau dari gaya kognitif. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam Penelitian Kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII MTSN 3 Rokan Hulu. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tes GEFT (Group Embredded Figure Test) yang dikembangkan oleh Witkin dan tes kemampuan berpikir kritis berupa soal uraian. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, pemaparan data, analisis data pada kedua kelompok subjek dan penarikan kesimpulan. Analisis kemampuan berpikir kritis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan indikator dari Ennis yaitu merumuskan strategi, memberikan alasan, dan menyimpulkan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan perbedaan gaya kognitif siswa mempengaruhi kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa dengan gaya kognitif field independent memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis lebih baik daripada siswa dengan gaya kognitif field dependent. Kata Kunci : Berpikir Kritis, Gaya Kogniti

    Empowerment of Waria Ludruk Artists in AIDS/HIV Prevention Program

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    Waria or transgender is one of the key population which has a significant role in the success of HIV/AIDS prevention program in East Java. It is estimated that the biggest waria community is in East Java, particularly in Surabaya. The main objective of this research is improving capacity building of ludruk artist waria through HIV/AIDS prevention program. The study has two objectives; firstly to find the effective strategies in improving waria's feminine skills such as knitting, hair dressing. Secondly to find the effective programs both on-stage and off-stage to improve the quality of ludruk performance such as revitalizing their marketing management, using social media to promote their schedule to the young generation. Some inportant points can be conluded from this study. Firstly, integrated coordinating system between ludruk artist waria and waria communities such as Perwakos and Iwama should be improved. HIV/AIDS prevention programs become uneffective without coordination. In this point, ludruk artist waria need to know that HIV/AIDS prevention programs such as VCT, HIV testing is free of charge. Secondly, in terms of management internal system, ludruk needs to revitalize the content of the story in their performance to be more compatible with the younger audience. To do so, the cooperation is needed among all the stakeholeders to make ludruk survive in the capitalist industrial show business in Indonesia.Salah satu populasi kunci yang memberi kontribusi tingginya prevalensi HIV dan AIDS di JATIM adalah komunitas waria karena di propinsi ini estimasi jumlah waria terbesar di Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan membahas bagaimana waria seniman ludruk dilibatkan dalam pencegahan HIV/AIDS. Program yang telah dilakukan adalah revitalisasi baik on-stage (diatas panggung) dan off-stage (di luar panggung). On-stage memfokuskan pada upaya revitalisasi pertunjukan ludruk dengan sistem dan manajemen pertunjukan yang lebih modern, menarik penonton generasi muda dan memanfaatkan tekhnologi internet dalam pemasarannya. Sedangkan Off-stage melalui penguatan keterampilan feminine (feminine skills) seperti menjahit, salon, wirausaha dll sehingga mereka mandiri secara ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan ada faktor internal yaitu kurangnya koordinasi pimpinan ludruk dengan organisasi induk waria dalam mensosialisasikan program penanggulangan HIV/AIDS. Disamping itu, mobilitas waria yang tinggi antar kota menjadi kendala tersendiri untuk mengumpulkan mereka ketika ada pemeriksaan VCT dan tes HIV. Faktor internal ludruk adalah perlunya revitalisasi dan inovasi managemen pemasaran yang modern berbasis tekhnologi serta inovasi cerita ludruk agar lebih menjangkau anak muda. Dibutuhkan kerjasama dengan semua stakeholders agar ludruk tetap bertahan dalam gempuran industri hiburan di Indonesia

    Studi Tentangmahasiswa Berprestasi di Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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    This research describes about students achievement in social and political science university of Riau. This subject is students who was named the standings at graduation in 2013 and 2014, by formulating the problem of characteristics of oustanding students, environment and activities. This research used qualitative research methods and data collection methods, namely purposive sampling. This research uses analitif-descriptive method. The datas were obtained from internet, journals, and books. Then, they were collected, summarized and analyzed based on the social research method.This research uses the theory of David McClelland about Motivation Theory and Needs. And then, theory of Emile Durkheim about Education Morality. And at least, theory of Max Weber about Social Activities.Keywords: Students Achievement, Motivation Theory, Social Activitie

    Aplikasi Mobile Simulasi Tes Toefl Berbasis Android

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      Android-based TOEFL Test Simulation Mobile Application, Test Of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a test to measure the level of English proficiency of nonnative speakers of English. The test consists of three sections Listening, Structure and Reading. The score is measured by a conversion table called Longman method, which is developed by Longman. Nowadays, Android-based mobile applications ease the people to get information. Thus by using this application, people are able to measure their capability and prepare as well as possible for the real test anytime wherever they are since the application provides the test simulation with the score calculation.   Keywords: TOEFL, Longman method, android application   &nbsp